Welcome to Preschool
The preschool at Las Brisas is a development preschool. What does that mean?
Developmental Preschool
Deer Valley Early Childhood Department provides inclusive preschool classrooms for children aged three – five years old (5 after September 1st ). Each classroom is comprised of children who are typically developing, Preschool Peers and those who require specialized instruction, children with identified special education needs.
In each classroom there is a certified Early Childhood Special Education Teacher and two Paraprofessionals. The classroom staff are highly qualified and trained to work with children in this age group. Each classroom has two sessions daily (morning and afternoon) which is 2.5 hours long, Monday through Thursday.
Staff strive to provide each child with a unique educational experience by individualizing instruction for various learning styles and providing developmentally appropriate activities.
Therapy services for those children who are eligible include, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and some children require instruction from teachers for the visually and hearing impaired. Therapist come into the classroom on a weekly basis but provide individualized strategies for the classroom staff to work on throughout the week. Some children are in need for more individual therapy sessions which are provided in quiet locations either within classroom or other places on the campus.
Preschool Peers are an integral part of the classroom as children learn best from each other. Peers are wonderful role models for those children who demonstrate delays in one or more areas of development and they also learn acceptance of those who function differently. Preschool Peers do pay tuition to participate in the classroom, please see the tuition schedule.
The overall focus in the classroom for all children is to provide an environment which:
- Introduces pre-academic skills
- Assists children to develop responsibility and self control
- Encourages positive social interactions
- Provides opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills
- The ability to problem solve
- Use critical thinking skills
- Use decision making skills
- Exposure to learning communities within the classroom
- Increase language skills
- Creates curiousity and a love of learning
Please see the attached district map which identifies locations for inclusive preschool classrooms around the district.
For questions please contact the Early Childhood Office.